
I’m just a Dad that decided to make a blog. Hopefully you can find it funny or entertaining and maybe even helpful at times.

If you’re offended by anything, I’m sorry…but in all honesty my brain has been on a rollercoaster and I guess I’m trying to show that in my posts. So I try to reflect on both the highs and the lows that we all go through, even you, perfect parent. Sometimes you just want to know your not the only one feeling a certain way.

What’s with the name?

I have another blog titled “Go Run Code” at https://goruncode.com that was originally focused on the Go programming language, see here for more info. If you want to run a go program you can type go run code.go and it will run it, so I thought that was a good choice for that blog. It was obviously the inspiration for this one too.

Thinking of names for websites is hard because most of them are already taken. I actually registered https://thedadlife.xyz but after spending a whole $2 on it I started to regret the choice. It looked like some sort of dodgy scam name or something so I abandoned it. $2 down the drain.

Anyway, eventually I decided I would change “run” to “dad” from my other blog and it seemed alright so I went with it. I might drift into coding/tech stuff as my daughter gets older too and I force her to do what interests me (jokes). So it kind of works.

Was it harder to name your blog or your child?

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